Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Which SMS would you never want to receive..

Most relationships of today are conditional , men for sex, women for money. True or false...

Which SMS would you never
want to receive..

1. I'm pregnant
2. It's over
3. Hey,I know we're best
friends.Would you mind if I date
your Ex?
4. Sorry,I had an accident with your car
5. Just saw your lover with
another person kissing.Will
send you photos now.
6. Remember when I said I
want to tell you something & you said it didn't matter & we
had unprotected sex? I'm HIV
7. Leave my husband/wife
alone,you idiot
8. Your medical results are out.I know it's a Sunday tomorrow
but you have to come through to
the hospital.Better yet,can you
come tonight?
9. I'm coming there now to take
my money!

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